1. My #1, all time BEST place for great finds is garage sales. With garage sales, people want their stuff gone, so they put it in the yard and most of the time, mark it at a very reasonable price. Many times, people just don't know what that piece of furniture is worth, it is just taking up space to them, so they are more willing to negotiate...just PLEASE always negotiate in a nice, polite manner and with a toothy smile :) Here in western OK, I check the Penny News, Weatherford Shopper, and the local paper for garage sale ads. Take cash and come prepared to load items on your own!
2. Auctions: I am a total auction junkie. I feed off the competitiveness!! I have found the best of the best of my stuff at auction. You can check local newspapers for upcoming auctions or find an auctioneer company you like and get updates from their website. Go early to inspect all the items up for sale and know BEFORE the auction starts what you are willing to give for those pieces. It is really easy to get into a bidding war and get caught up in just winning and then you are left with a piece of furniture you really would have been fine leaving without and an empty wallet to go with it. Come prepared to load your own treasures and make sure you know the accepted payment methods before you attend and/or buy.
3. Goodwill....Oh how I used to LOVE Goodwill. Lately, not so much. I mainly shop the Yukon or OKC Goodwills and I almost always leave with something I really like. However, this whole refurbishing thing has really caught on and their prices have SKY ROCKETED to almost an unfathomable ridiculousness. Feel the drama in those words?? My last few trips, I have left empty handed just because of the prices. AN EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE is if you find a piece that is EXACTLY what you've been looking for and you know this is THE piece for you...you'll redo it and love it forever and ever, amen! Then, you need to go for it because truly good built, last forever pieces do not come around often!!! Also, get to know the employees. They can give you information on upcoming discounts, delivery days, etc. For example, the Yukon store changes merchandise around every Tuesday, so Wednesday is the best day to hit that store. Come prepared to load your own items as it is against store policy to help you load items..and they are serious...I had to load a desk alone 9 months pregnant!
Hope this helps and please feel free to let me know if you have any specific shopping questions! :)
Happy Hunting!
Just finding your blog and this is exactly what I needed to read! Thanks for the info! Any luck with OKC or Hinton flea markets? Do you do most of your garage-saling in the Weatherford area?