Monday, June 4, 2012

A dream is a wish...fairytale toy box

Growing up, I loved fairy tales.  My most favorite was I grew older though, I forgot about this long lost love.  As a graduation gift, one very amazing woman wrote this quote inside my card, reminding me of my dreams.  When in doubt or confused on what to do, I often pull out that card (yes, I still keep it in my top drawer), and am reminded that I hope I always dare to dream. 

I came across this little beauty on a garage sale site and once I began talking to its owner, I knew I had to have it.  Her father had made it by hand years ago and had since passed away.  He had made numerous pieces and she said she just couldn't keep them all. Kind of made me sad in a way, but I was happy to have it and give it a new life.  Instantly, this conversation with its former owner, led my heart to this quote and I knew exactly what I was going to do with the toy box.

I am not going to go into a whole tutorial on this project as I usually do as it is pretty self explanatory as far as the painting and stenciling go. On the quote "a dream is a wish your heart makes", I simply printed it out off the computer and then used the projector to line the quote up to my desired location, and just painted it on with acrylic paint.  Easy, easy!   I then just distressed it (hence the lightness of the quote) and waxed it! Here is an up close view  of the front:

And here is a view of the top:

The top and sides are the exact same color, however, in this picture, it looks a bit more turquoise on the top thanks to my wonderful garage lighting. 

I am still debating on letting this one go (hence my reluctance to put a price on it) matches my girls room perfectly, and it honestly makes my heart happy each time I look at it!

That is what it is all about isn't it...loving what you do , loving what you create,  and daring to follow your heart???!!!

Happy Dreaming!

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